New Features
- Updated docs for GeoCodeBing(), Translate() and GetExchangeRate() functions
- Set Post as default HTTP verb for client-side formulas
- Enhance ShowsTabs & HideTabs to auto work on all tabs on form
- Added ability to suppress duplicates on QualifyLead function
- Added support for custom properties for Azure Queues
- Changed standard security role to allow assignment via Team for Organizational Create on N52 Trace
- Allow ability to create activity parties for unresolved email addresses
- Added ability for ## as default for single space character
- Add configuration to control Solution Linking
New Functions
Portal Features
- Added ability to set focus on a field via a Page Validator
- Increase from 50 to 500 the number of related formulas on a portals form
- Fixed issue with the name of the function GetRecordIDEntityReferenceCollection()
- Fixed issue in TestShield when using the companyname field in a test
- Fixed issue with character encoding for IsUserInSecurityRoles()
- Fixed bug when using # as default for empty space in field references