North52 Release – January 2019 – v573
Jan 15, 2019 | Release Notes
New Features
- Added support for Data Packager
- Allow to configure specific encoding on CallRestApi() function
- Allow support for fully Dynamic Quick Buttons
- Updated the home configuration license page
- Allow PriorValue() function access to formatted values
- Allow regular comments in Decision Tables
- Enhanced error message on missing custom actions
- Allow direct use of multi-select fields in Decision Table
- Allow directly adding comment columns to Decision Tables
- Allow regular comments in Decision Tables
- Allow adding of a comment column in Decision Tables
- In Decision Table allow for Creates only if record does not exist and UpdateCreateById
- Enhance AssociateEntities() function to make a pre-check that record exists before creating M:M relationship
- Support reverse lookup of guids via on PartyList, Customer, & Lookup fields for CreateRecord() UpdateRecord()
- Portal: Added support for refreshform() function
- Portal: Updated SetFormNotification to allow users to set a manual timeout
- Portal: Added support for 2 option set value radio buttons
- Portal: Added support for optionsets with multiple values
- Portal: Disabled all Alert reporting -> Error message output to console only
- Portal: Updated createdRequiredFieldValidator to use the display name in the error message instead of the schema name
- Portal: Updated createdRequiredFieldValidator so ‘is a required field’ now uses the base language same as the Microsoft
New Functions
- xCacheGetDataPackage()
- GetEntityMetadata(), GetVarHeaderValue(),
- MatchListFindMissing(), MatchListFindIntersectExists(), MatchListFindIntersect(),
- UriGetFileName()
- AzureKeyVaultGetSecret(), AzureEventGridSendMessage()
- AzureADGetTokenV2(), AzureADGetToken(),
- AzureServiceBusDeleteMessage(), AzureServiceBusPeekLockMessage(),
- CreateRecordIfNotExistsById() , CreateRecordIfNotExistsByName()
- UpdateCreateRecordById(), UpdateCreateRecordByName()
- GetSystemUrl()
- EscapeDataString(), UnEscapeDataString(), EscapeUriString(), UnEscapeUriString()
- UnixTimeStamp()
- Fixed issue so that UpdateRecord returns the guid of the record updated and not NoOp.
- Fixed isssue with SetPickListValues()
- Fixed bug relating to optionset values not showing under the Source treeview
- Fixed bug in IE11 with the Quick Button for Portal
- Fixed issue MergeEntityCollections where the result EntityCollection had no records
- Fixed issue when missing field adx_websiteid from adx_entityform on older Portals
Upgrade Notes
Please see the following KB article for further details,