North52 Release – October 2018 – v567
Oct 18, 2018 | Release Notes
New Features
- Move from CRM 2011 enpoint to only use CRM Web API for 8.2+
- Allow to filter duplicates when using TimePeriodsFindGroupOverLapPeriods() function
- Allow Multi-select fields & values to show up under the Source node
- Added ability for xCacheLoadLocal to add new fields if exist not
- Each time a start schedule clicked auto performs a cancel
- Enhance Scheduler to allow for Auto Restarts on Post Deployment
- Allow settings of Multi-select fields to be loaded via collection via client-side
- Provide capability to overcome pipe character issue
- Enhanced QuickButton QuickTile to be completely dynamic
New Functions
- SetAttributeText(), SetFindAndText()
- CreateUIProperty(), CreateUIControl(), CreateUIControlCollection()
- SpecifyKindUTC(), ConvertListToEntityCollection(), AzureServiceBusSendMessage()
- More that 50 records v8.1 and before
- Fixed bug related to filtering multi-select fields
- Fixed bug with QuickButton not working in IE11
- Fixed issue with Scheduler when calculating next rune date time crossing daylight savings time periods
v1.0.0.564 (07-Sept-2018)
New Features
- Full support for binding N52 Formulas to Microsoft Portal Entity Forms
- All validation messages when using managed solutions
- Enhanced support for Standard Form, Long Form & Short Form
- Enhanced error handling around SharePointCreateFile() function
- Enhanced error handling for client-side XML parsing in IE browser
- Enhanced error handling for SetPickListValues() function to allow for MS bug around empty items
- Enhanced xCacheAddCalculatedFieldLocal() function to check if column already exists
- Added snippet for QuickTile
New Functions
- CalcMinRecordCount(), CalcMaxRecordCount()
- GetSharedVariable(), SetSharedVariable()
- CreateNoteTraceLog(), SetDefaultBusinessCalendar, SetLabelControl()
- SharePointRenameFolder()
- Fix issue regarding numbers greater than 2.1 billion when using the Between() function
- Fixed bug related to FindRecordsValue function & multi-select fields
- Fixed bug with CreateHtmlButton() function for On-Premise installs
- Fixed issue with client-side on stage event when not visible
- Fixed issue with client-side lookups on the UCI client
- Fixed issue with client-side data generation on restricted IE environments