North52 Release – February 2018 – v546
Feb 28, 2018 | Release Notes
New Features
- Enhanced validation around inserting columns to Decision Table
- Enhanced Clone function to take start & end number of records for 1:N relationships
- Enhanced SharePointCreateDocumentLocation function to create top level records
- Enhanced SharePoint functions to give better error message when wrong username password entered
- Enhanced Process Genies so that they automatically take parameters from custom actions
- Added support for N:N between Campaign & Marketing List
- Added ability to Exclude columns from a Decision Table
- Added a ‘Processing…’ overlay on the UI when saving formulas
- Added support for the UOM entity
- Added support for registering formulas against CRM Actions
- Added support to pickup on input & output parameters for CRM Actions within editor
- Added support for the RemoveAttributes function to take a ‘*’ parameter
- Added support to access action parameters from the UI
- Added support for EntityCollection & Entity on Action Input parameters when using ExecuteAction()
- Fixed Chrome issue for stripping t r n from Urls
- Allow for multiple client-side actions within a loop
New Functions
- ReplaceFirstOccurrence() , ReplaceLastOccurrence() , IsInteger() , IsDecimal()
- CountOccurrences() , IsAlpha() , IsAlphaNumeric()
- Sleep(), IsValidIBAN()
- SetActionOutputParameters()
- CreateEC(), AddEntityToEC() , RemoveEntityFromEC()
- CreateEntity(), UpdateEntity(), UpdateEntityNative() , SetAttributeNative(), RemoveAttributeFromEntity() , FindECRecord()
- TrimEnd(), TrimStart()
- CheckAttributeExistsOnEntity()
- CreateMoney (), CreateEntityReference() , CreateOptionSetValue() , CreateRecordWithEntity(), CreateRecordWithEntity()
- FindRecordsValueNative()
- GetSourceChangeList() , SetVarMultipleClientSide()
- CalculateRollupField(), JObjectParse()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue around Inline Calcs for Decision Tables
- Fixed issue where client-side formulas not executing for the Unified Interface for the OnLoad event
- Fixed error message for xCache references when key not found
- Fixed validation issue so Category name for xCache records cannot contain a ‘_’
- Fixed deployment issue where AzureTimer caused exceptions
- Fixed bug for formulas of type Calculated Field not displaying correctly
Full release history is available here