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Scenario Overview


In this scenario we will demonstrate how to set up a ClientSide Decision Table that you can to make multiple updates and changes to a form depending on various conditions.

For this article it is assumed that you have at least basic familiarity with Decision Tables and/or have read the following articles:

Note: We will not detail step-by-step instructions here on how to set up Conditions or Actions, please read the above articles if you need detailed configuration steps.

For this sample we will use Origin optionset on the Case entity. 

We have added the following to the Case form:

  • A Tab Called Social Media
  • A Section in this Tab called Facebook
  • A Section called Twitter
  • 4 Fields, 2 in Facebook Section and 2 and in the Twitter Section

The Business Rules

When the Origin Optionset is set to Twitter
  • Expand the Social Media Tab
  • Hide the Facebook Section
  • Make the Twitter name field mandatory
When the Origin Optionset is set to Facebook
  • Expand the Social Media Tab
  • Hide the Twitter Section
  • Make the Facebook User Profile field required
When the Origin Optionset is set to anything else 
  • Close the Social Media Tab
  • Hide the Facebook Section and the Twitter Section

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