North52 Release – January 2017 – v514
Jan 20, 2017 | Release Notes
New Features
- Added support for aliased field lookup fields for CreateHTMLTable() function
- SelectForm function checks if form already selected and if so will not re-load
- Added ability to break out of ForEachRecord
- Enhanced ability to execute client-side formulas for Decision Tables
- Added support for PriceList & PriceListItem entities
- Enhanced client-side support for decision tables
- Enhanced Then() function to support multiple actions if Enterprise or above license
- Enhanced Association formula types to allows custom error messages
- Added support for daylight savings calculation for Schedules
- Enhanced Configuration page
- Added support for TLS 1.2 via WebFusion
- Added support for Quick Action
New Functions
- FindProductPropertiesByRegardingID()
- FindProductPropertiesByRegardingIDAndPropertyName()
- FindRecordsAudit()
- GetDepth(), GetMessageName(), GetPrimaryEntityName()
- CreateHTMLButton(), SetQueryString(), OpenQuickCreate(), SelectFormByName()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when using related fields on a Decision Table
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas when publishing ‘sequence could not be found’
- Fixed issue with caching of sdkmessageprocessingsteps
- Fixed issue with Clone() function where overridden date being retained
- Fixed issue with datetime fields & PriorValue() function not formatting correctly
Full release history is available here